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How To Stop Condensation in Your Storage Container

May 28, 2023 By INSTA Container Modification

Filed under: Products

How To Stop Condensation in Your Storage Container

No matter what you use your cargo container for, keeping it moisture free is one of the most important considerations. Often exposed to the elements, these units can quickly see dampness beginning to form, which can cause significant damage to your container and property.


The dangers of condensation 

Condensation is one of the most common problems in cargo containers, and it can lead to a range of issues, including:


  1. Corrosion: One of the biggest issues of condensation is that it leads to rust. This can cause permanent damage and make your container unusable.
  2. Mold: If left untreated, condensation and damp will lead to mold. This is not only damaging to your products, but it can also be harmful to your health.
  3. Damage: Above all, moisture is very damaging to your products. As water finds its way into your unit, it can cause your packaging to break down and even cause major damage to your products.

How to stop condensation 

If you are looking to protect your storage container and belongings, then Insta Container Modification is here to help you. Our #6220 INSTA Container Guard Moisture Trap is designed to reduce moisture and condensation in your unit, giving you complete peace of mind your property is protected.


Fitting neatly between the corrugations in your unit, the guards ensure minimal space loss and do not impact loading or unloading your container. Each trap is made from plastic and calcium chloride and has a lifespan of between 12 and 14 weeks, depending on the levels of humidity in your unit.


If you want to learn more about our #6220 INSTA Container Guard Moisture Trap or find out more about the wide range of products that we offer, get in touch with our team today!

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